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IndicThreads '16 - Day 2

In my previous post I had given details about the first day of the IndicThreads conference. Today I will try to cover sessions for 2nd day.

The day was full of excitement as I have learned many new things. Sessions for today includes Go Language, HTTP/2, MicroServices, RxJava(Reactive Programming), Bitcoin and Blockchain.

Go Language with Angular
In this session Navneet Karnani, from Mandrake Technologies defines the scope of the Go language. He started with why we need a new language and how it can be used. He said that Go is a compiled language and it is also Open Sourced, so anybody can see code and change it to make it more better.
Session is full of code and I swear it takes a lot of effort for him to make a such a great session on Go. This session is break in 2 parts where in first part he explains about the nuisances of language and in second part he shows the integration with AngularJS

RxJava, Reactive Programming
Praveer Gupta, from ThoughWorks who had given session on Java 8 streams on first day, again done a great job by explaining how RxJava can help in building the application more powerful. RxJava is the jvm implementation of ReactiveX. Behind the scenes it uses Observer & Iterator pattern to work. He gradually takes us through the code and explains each and every bit of code.

This is a real eye opener for me. Presented by Nilesh Naik(Technical Architect, Tata Consulting Services), includes a brief history of the HTTP from beginning of internet and covers through the HTTP/2. He explains why there is a need of HTTP/2. Today when we are using HTTP1.1, we have many limitations while using internet. HTTP was originated to display simple pages and not the ads, images, css, javascripts as we are using today. Clients can make limited connections with Server and it also serves the requests in that order. until previous requests were not done no new request is sent to server. But when we use HTTP/2 then we can send multiple requests at a time. Debugging can be a issue with HTTP/2 requests as data will travel in Binary.

Bitcoin (Blochchain)
Session is presented by Navin Kabra(Founder and CTO He started by explaining a simple problem of authentication in real life and how this can be achieve by using the Blockchain technology. PKI, how it works and is playing a major role in today's world. Bockchain is the main technology behind the Bitcoin, the digital currency of today's era. But, it a small part of this as we can achieve much more things from this technology. He very much clarify that technology is itself great, but there is no such control of government and it may not be in its favor.

Resilient Microservices
In this session. Gurpreet(Director Technology - Aricent) exlpains the need of the time to convert all our monolith applications to micro services. He explains how we can achieve this. What things are required, how we can achieve them, what are the blockers and what all considerations to be followed while converting the monolith applications to micro services. Simple formula that he gave is start with monolith and with time we should convert application to micro services.

Sessions were full of knowledge and I urge who so ever wants to gain knowledge should attend this conference.

I hope you have a brief introductions of what was there in this conference. Here are the details of the conference.

You can also follow me on @vinodkashyap and @ChdJUG for more information related to Java and its realated technologies. Thanks for taking time to read.


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