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IndicThreads '16 - Day 1

Today was the first day of IndicThreads conference held at Pune. The day was full of excitement and learning. Topics that were covered today at conference are Augmented Reality, IoT, Functional Programming, Java 8 Streams . Also included a session of Fame , a video streaming product of India. Augmented Reality In this session Kishor Himani (Director, PTC Global Services) explained how AR is a happening field and how we will reach and meet demands of the future. He explained about the areas where AR is creating benchmarks. Healthcare, Services, Utilities are some of the areas where AR is changing the world. AR in collaboration IoT will make a significant change in future. We can superimpose the AR with the live video. He gives an example where doctor first takes x-ray of patient and then superimpose on his body so that he knows where actually to operate. Building Secure Connected Devices This was the eye opener for the people who are building or try to build the IoT devices. K...