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Showing posts with the label GoDaddy

SSL in Spring Boot using GoDaddy certificate on EC2

In this article, we will be going to see how we can achieve the HTTPS in the spring boot application . You will get lots of items on how to use the self-generated certificate with Spring Boot. But today we are going to use the CA generated certificates with the Spring Boot so that our application will work on HTTPS. We need the following things to work: CA certificates including, private key and certificate. In this article, we are using the GoDaddy wild card certificate. Spring Boot application OpenSSL library Convert the certificate and private key to PKCS 12 First of all, we need to convert the CA certificate to .p12 format . We need to have OpenSSL on the system to work with command. Also, we need to have all files in the same directory where we are running this command. The command required to covert the same: openssl pkcs12 -export -in [ceritificate-name] -inkey [private-key] -name [host] -out [new-file.p12] Here replace the values: [ceritificate-name] with...