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Showing posts with the label indicthreads conference java

IndicThreads '16 - Day 1

Today was the first day of IndicThreads conference held at Pune. The day was full of excitement and learning. Topics that were covered today at conference are Augmented Reality, IoT, Functional Programming, Java 8 Streams . Also included a session of Fame , a video streaming product of India. Augmented Reality In this session Kishor Himani (Director, PTC Global Services) explained how AR is a happening field and how we will reach and meet demands of the future. He explained about the areas where AR is creating benchmarks. Healthcare, Services, Utilities are some of the areas where AR is changing the world. AR in collaboration IoT will make a significant change in future. We can superimpose the AR with the live video. He gives an example where doctor first takes x-ray of patient and then superimpose on his body so that he knows where actually to operate. Building Secure Connected Devices This was the eye opener for the people who are building or try to build the IoT devices. K...

IndicThreads Conference Pune '15

This is one of my favorite Java conferences in India that everyone wants attend for sure. Most of the time it is based on the Java , but this time it is going far behind with IoT, Big Data, Cloud and many more interseting sessions as well. Sessions are great and speakers too. Conference is great and people loved to join it. You will learn a lot of new things and get to know about the industry. It enhances your vision to view the future. You will get a chance to meet the great brains behind the great innovations in the industry. This conference is organized by India's first " Java Champion Harshak Oak ". He is very nice and humble guy. I had meet him before and he always answer your queries without any hesitation and a smile on his face :) Visit the conference website: See the sessions here: See the speakers here: I am going with 2 of m...

IndicThreads Java Conference 2010

This is my second consecutive Java conference from IndicThreads. Here are some of the topics and the speakers who had share their valuable information. The conference is great and I recommend all to visit it once and see the difference Harshad Oak Harshad is the man of few words. He is the organizer and owner of the indicthreads conference. He is the Java Champion and Oracle Ace. He started conference with the topic Java: Riding the Change where he discusses the changing the nature of the Java. What is around the corner and what Java guys need to be in mind in the coming time. He discusses the language changes and the Oracle view on the Java. He had given his experienced thought on the many of the scripting languages like groovy, jython etc. He clarifies that the place of Java is more superior to any of the other languages. Java superiority will be continued. He had also told about the 5 - 95 rule which says that 5% of the people think java will be lost in the near ...

IndicThreads Java Conference - What a Experience

Its a very good experience of attending the IndicThreads Java Conference in Pune. Its very exciting to listening to the gurus of the Java and other latest technologies. I have learned a lot from the technology gurus specially from the Arun Gupta from the Sun Microsystems. It is my first ever experience of attending any Java conference. IBM developerWorks is a Gold Sponsor for the event. The event is occurred in a beautiful hotel Orbett. Harshad Oak - The very first Java Champion from India; I am very delited after meeting him. He is very nice guy and he is also the organizer of the event. I had asked him questions about how he had become the Java Champion . I asked him the procedure for the same. He had told me in the straight forward way that it is a very simple as you have to do something very special in the field of Java. I think he had done something good in the files of Java as he has been nominated by the community members of the Java. He might have ...