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Java Bloggers Meet Oracle IDC Hyderabad

Oracle India had organized a Java Bloggers meet on 13th Jun 2015, at their office at Hyderabad on the occasion of Java completing 20 years. I was also invited to the event which is very exciting for me. I am on cloud nine when I got invited for the event.

Oracle India had celebrated the event by organizing speeches by Sanket Atal - Group Vice President, R&D, Harshad Oak - Java Champion and Oracle ACE Director, and a live demonstration by Debraj Dutta, of a Bot-So a robot designed by Edifixio India and is based on IoT and fully developed using Java 8 features like streams for concurrency.

Event started by Vandana Shenoy - Director Corporate Communications , by giving a small introduction about the event and a formal introduction of the speakers.

Sanket Atal
The presentation by him is more like a discussion. We have discussed and have fun question answers, quiz in between it. Below are the points he discussed:
  • Java was started in 1991 under the name Project Stealth
  • First official release was in 1995
  • Duke - Java Mascot was released in 2007
  • Duke is based in Linux Penguin
  • After J2SE version 1.5, Java is known as Java SE 6
  • Every 2 years there will be release of Java new version
  • Oracle will not carry on the name of the Java as it is more with version numbers.
  • Java Champions is the program launched in JavaOne for recognizing leaders in Developer Community
  • Cloud is the growing rapidly
  • Oracle will start PaaS in IoT
  • Java is the center of computing universe
  • Oracle + You = Java
  • Java and IoT are 2 buzzwords in todays world.

Harshak Oak
He had started his presentation or more a talk with the introduction of Java birth and then he turns to his career that how he had chosen Java as his career. He had compared Java with Bollywood actor - Shahrukh Khan, as welcoming the guys with open hands. Some of the points he covered:
  • Java is Shahrukh Khan of programming world
  • DDLJ is released in same year as Java :)
  • Most languages are born near to same year.
  • Java has a very warm and welcoming culture.
  • Java has had the opensource spirit from Day 1
  • Java presenting the IoT platform for development will be a game changer
  • Java bloggers have a great responsibility for carrying a warm culture to the future developers
  • Java bloggers are the face of the Java

Debraj Dutta - Edifixio India
Edifixio India represents the robot they have developed based on Java and IoT. They have won the open challenge on IoT in 2014 organized by Oracle. Below are the commands/things that Bot-So, the name given to their robot follows:
  • It is based on Raspberry Pie board, Twitter4J, Google Drive and Java 8.
  • It connects to the internet using Wi-Fi and twitter commands.
  • Sends welcome message when it is started
  • Sense the room temperature 
  • Take pictures and videos by a simple command and then uploads the to Google Drive and shared the URL privately with the authorized user.
  • Secure itself and motion sensor detects the motion and send the picture to authorized user.
  • GitHub URL for code
At the end of the event Java Cake was cut by Sanket Atal.

We have also have some video bytes where all bloggers have their thoughts on Java and its future.
Below is the group photograph at end of the event

In all, it is great event to attend and love to attend the same in future. I had learned a lot from it and a lot of inspiration thoughts from great leader Harshad Oak.

Here are the twitter handles of all the above mentioned people if anyone wants to follow.

Thanks for reading this blog. Comments are welcome :)


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