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Weblogic Portal Example

Here I am going to make a simple example of Weblogic Portal.

Minimum requirements:
  • Weblogic Portals
  • Weblogic Workshop
  • Weblogic Server
Basically when you download weblogic portals then you will have all the necessary things already installed. It can be downloaded from
You have to download Oracle WebLogic Portal 10.3.

Step 1: Setting up the Weblogic Workshop 
  1. Open Weblogic Workshop from Programs -> Oracle Weblogic -> Workshop for Weblogic.
  2. Change the perspective to Portal i.e. Window -> Open Perspective -> Others -> Portal.
Step 2: Create sample application
  1. Create new Portal EAR project from File -> New -> Portal EAR Project.
  2. Name it sampleEAR.
  3. Click next and proceeds with default setting.
  4. Create new PortalWEB project from File -> New -> Portal Web Project.
  5. Name it sampleWEB.
  6. Associate it with sampleEAR by clicking on checkbox if it is not selected and proceeds without any change.
  7. Now select the WebContent, right click and select New -> Portal.
  8. Name it myportal and proceeds.
  9. You will see default portal in the workshop.
  10. Create a jsp e.g. myjsp and then right click on it and click on Generate Portlet.
  11. This will create a myjsp.portlet in application.
  12. You can drag it from the Design Panel to the Portal.
  13. Let’s create another portal which will access the url of the other website.
  14. Right click on WebContent select New -> Portlet.
  15. Name it myportlet and click next.
  16. Select Browser (URL) Portlet.
  17. On next screen in the Content URL input box type
  18. Check the checkboxes :
    • Has TitleBar
    • Minimizable
    • Maximizable
    • Floatable
    • Deletable 
  19. Click next
  20. Drag the portlet onto the portal.
Step 3: Deploy on server
  1. Right click on the sampleWEB and select Run As -> Run on Server.
  2. It will open the server window.
  3. Select the Oracle Weblogic server from the dialog box and Click next.

These are the minimum steps to build a sample portal.
You can access the application by: http://localhost:7001/sampleWEB

Enjoy the sample..


  1. can you suggest me best books for Hibernate and springs

  2. Hibernate - Harnessing Hibernate
    Spring - Spring in Action

  3. Hi Vinod,
    Cam struts 2 run in Weblogic portal 10.3?
    If yes can you pls provide some doc / tutorials



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