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Struts 2 Ajax drop down Example

Struts 2 has emerged as boon for developers. But the documentation available is very small. So I had decided to give a brief demonstration of the ajax used in struts
Libraries used:


In this example when u select from one drop down the other will populate accordingly. You can use it as it is or play with it. Enjoy !!

<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
<s:action name="ListingAction" executeResult="true"></s:action>

<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags"%>


<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
package ajaxdemo.action;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;

public class DetailAction extends ActionSupport {
 private String lst;
 private List lstList = null;
 private List lstList2 = null;

 public String execute() throws Exception {

  if (getLst() != null && !getLst().equals("")) {
   return SUCCESS;
  } else {
   return SUCCESS;

 private void populateDetail(String id) {
  lstList = new ArrayList();
  if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("Fruits")) {
  } else if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("Places")) {
   lstList.add("New York");
  } else {
   lstList.add("Other 1");
   lstList.add("Other 2");
   lstList.add("Other 3");
   lstList.add("Other 4");
   lstList.add("Other 5");

 public List getLstList() {
  return lstList;

 public void setLstList(List lstList) {
  this.lstList = lstList;

 public String getLst() {
  return lst;

 public void setLst(String lst) {
  this.lst = lst;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ListingAction extends ActionSupport {
 private List lstList1 = null;

 public String execute() throws Exception {
  return SUCCESS;

 private void populateDetail() {
  lstList1 = new ArrayList();

 public List getLstList1() {
  return lstList1;

 public void setLstList1(List lstList1) {
  this.lstList1 = lstList1;







  1. Hi, I've tried your example but it doesn't work. It doesn't give an error. The list list1 is displayed but apparently the id needed to populate the second list, is null. The id of the selected value ( fruits,places and others) is set in the javascript no? For some reson it is null im my DetailAction class.
    Can u help me? :(

  2. Hi Adriana,

    Thanks for your comment. Actually when I tried this example I got the same error but I found the error.
    You have to replace the variable name from id to pid or any other name.
    Once again thanks. I had changed my code. You can try this. If it works do write to me (It will work now :) ).

  3. I like this example and it works for me

    Thanx Vinod

  4. Nicely done. One comment though is that the hidden field is not needed. The 'lst' parameter from the first select box is passed into the DetailAction just as the pid one is via the formId. So you can remove the hidden field and the javascript setting of the hidden field and just use get1st() after adding String 1st;.

  5. Hi Jason

    thanks for your valuable comments. You are right there is no need of hidden variable. I will be removing it from this post.
    Thanks Again :)

  6. Thank you for your post.
    Appreciate it. Where do you usually refer to accomplish things like these. -harsh

  7. Thanks for the example; it does work for me. But what if I want to populate the 2nd select based upon the listKey (integer id) of the selected value in the first select, rather than using the listValue? I've played around with this, but I can't get it to work.

  8. Hey this is exactly what I was looking for. Good Job.

  9. When i first load the script, i will be directed to an empty page that will be loading the second dropdown box. Only when i click on the back button of the browser, then the actual page with the two dropdown boxes will be displayed. Any idea how do i solve this problem?

  10. Thanks for the example. Worked and was helpful.

  11. I tried your example but strangely I get just one of the drop downs. I have javascript error that dojo is undefined.
    Am I missing something?

  12. Hey Vinod, the example is helpful, but i have a problem of my own and have got 10 solutions to it too, but not sure if they are efficient. I am writing this here cause it is related to the same example and i want to share it with the concerned masses. So, the question is if i add a submit button to your example which will invoke an action to insert the value of both the select boxes in database, and when the operation is complete, the requirement is, the user is to be returned back to the same page with state of both the select boxes maintained. I have many solutions to this and will also post it here but want to listen from you guys first.. Regards

  13. Hi,
    These days I am little busy in my office schedule. I will be very happy if you post your solution of what you have told me. But these are the comments and posting solutions here will be somewhat awkward. You can mail me the solution if you want to. I will make sure to include your name in the next post.
    Thanks for your concern.. :)

  14. Fantastic example..gr8 work...If I have a submit button in listing.jsp which maps to a method in, how do I get the selected value for the drop down used in Detail.jsp?

    Thanks in Advance

  15. Hi Vinod,
    Nice tutorial.
    Similar tutorial is Struts Application using Eclipse.
    Do post tutorials frequently.. Waiting to see more..

  16. Hi

    I have the same problem as the one described above: "I tried your example but strangely I get just one of the drop downs. I have javascript error that dojo is undefined."

    Could you please help me with this.

  17. Hi,

    Great working Example. Only naming convention of classes/jSP/action bit difficult to understand.

    Appreciate the effort.

  18. I did make the following changes to get it work. I am using Tomcat 6.0, Struts-2.1.6 and eclipse:
    1. copy struts2-dojo-plugin-2.1.6.tar from struts to WEB-INF/lib folder.
    2. make changes in listing.jsp:
    2.1 Add dojo taglib reference.
    < %@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags" % >
    2.2 remove the header tag < s:head theme="ajax" /> and replace it with
    < sx:head debug="false" cache="false" compressed="true"/>
    2.3 Change the < s:url ... action="DetailAction"/> to < s:url ... action="demo/DetailAction"/>
    2.4 Change the < s:div> and < /s:div> to < sx:div> and < /sx:div>

    Note: forget the space right after "<".

  19. JSF with Struts2 example available?

  20. Hey, here's a question that has me stumped now for a couple days and I have a feeling the answer is really easy. I am writing a struts 2 web application and for some reason, my struts 2 ajax tags (s:div specifically) only work on the welcome-file (index.jsp). When I click a link to call an action that has a result page called result.jsp, the very same s:div that executed and dispalyed its contents just fine on the welcome page no longer works on the result.jsp page. Why is this? It seems that no ajax theme elements are working on any page other than the welcome page. If you have an answer to help me, I would GREATLY appreciate it!!! :) Thanks in advance.

  21. Thanks a lot for sharing this example.

  22. Hi
    I refer your example it is nice but I can not get both list on same page, control moves to detail page.
    is there any solution for that

    Thanks in advance

  23. It is not working for me.Visiting http://localhost:8280/my-app/jsp/index.jsp gives a blank page whereas visiting http://localhost:8280/my-app/ListingAction.action gives following error:


    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Expression parameters.parseContent is undefined on line 45, column 28 in template/ajax/head.ftl. - Class: freemarker.core.TemplateObject
    Method: assertNonNull
    Line: 124 - freemarker/core/

    root cause

    Expression parameters.parseContent is undefined on line 45, column 28 in template/ajax/head.ftl. - Class: freemarker.core.TemplateObject
    Method: assertNonNull
    Line: 124 - freemarker/core/

    root cause

    freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression parameters.parseContent is undefined on line 45, column 28 in template/ajax/head.ftl.

  24. After adding parseContent="true" to < sx:head /> , it worked by with http://localhost:8280/my-app/ListingAction.action

    But accessing http://localhost:8280/my-app/jsp/index.jsp still gives blank page

  25. Thanks for your code

  26. I have the same above issue File:
    Method: assertNonNull
    freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression parameters.parseContent is undefined on line 45, column 28 in template/ajax/head.ftl.

    anybody have any idea...

    thanks in advance,

  27. Hi,
    i am getting the same excpetion

    freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression parameters.parseContent is undefined on line 45, column 28 in template/ajax/head.ftl..........
    which are jars files we need to use to work these examples........?

    anybody have the idea to solve in trouble pls hlep.........

  28. Thanks for this working example. Very Helpful to start.

  29. i got a blank page? is it? any solutions to it

  30. wow.. great work... keep up the good work

    claudegals jr
    icotp on ict

  31. Hi Vinod,
    I tried this example.But beside first combo box I am getting the following error message.Please help me
    Error loading '/struts2-blank-2.0.14/example/DetailAction.action' (404 /struts2-blank-2.0.14/example/detail.jsp)

  32. Awesome work Vinod !! Thank you very much.
    Here you go beginner fellas...
    http: //megaupload. com/?d=96VZMLJ5

    http: //rapidshare. com/files/304188145/ajSample.war

  33. hi

    this article is nice ,but small application i need to create with three list they how i call do that
    can u explain it

  34. It is not working for me....

  35. Hi Tao

    Thanks very much , I did the changes as you told to run the above example in Struts-2.1.6
    It is worked fine

    I think in the later versions some struts tags they moved it to stuts-dojo-tags etc ..

  36. hi vinod,nice tutorial and its helped me a lot ,is it possible to display three colmbo boxs when hanging the values as explained in the above example

  37. Hi Vinod
    Where should I change the id to PID? Do you have the whole code available as a download. Thanks

  38. Hi Vinod

    Its nice example, If u put option for download entire code Its should be very nice

  39. Can someone explain how the second drop down knows the value of the first drop down. That is, how is the field lst of the class DetailAction filled in.

  40. Superb guys, I was struggling from morning, this was an oasis to test how I could integrate ajax with my Struts2 project.

  41. Hi Vinod
    I am working with strut2 and now its new form me. When I used ur given such example its realy good .
    I tried it and got it at first time.
    Thank You.


  42. Hi,Vinod
    Can you explain what exactly the example does?? I want to have 2 jsps. one top and one bottom. when i click the top jsp it should load bottom jsp content without refreshing the page..

  43. have anyone tried of printing the selected values in both the select boxes?
    i just get only the values i select in the first select box and not getting the 2nd select box value...

    pls help..

  44. This is really helpful for me.But I do not understand the ajax part.Can you describe what is happening with each code.

  45. Hi,
    Ajax not working fine when i keep s:file
    component in struts2
    why it is not working fine
    can any one give me ans....

  46. Doesn't work under IE, the form data is not sent to the next action.

  47. very nice article, even to new bee.

  48. Hi can enyne explain in details.jsp file?

  49. can i put more than one ajax request in same jsp page?I am not getting it done? please help me.

  50. hi

    i want to populate table from database when i select value from select both select and table should be in same jsp

    any one help me please i am trying it from 4 days its urgent.


  51. Hi

    Can anyone tell me that, using above example, how can i place the second combo box directly in listing.jsp instead of getting it from detail.jsp.

    Because, in my application, there are lot of dependencies between combo boxes and creating new jsp for each one is not good.

    Please reply urgently...

  52. Hi

    I want to use second combo box in listing.jsp, instead of getting it from details.jsp

    Creating new jsp for each combo box when multiple dependencies are there is not good way to do.

    Please suggest the possible way as soon as possible.

  53. Excellent example, it works for me, just what i looking for! Thank you so much!

  54. Thanks you admin. this code was very useful for dependent drop down..
    thanks you
    if anybody not got value from 2nd drop down then go through details.jsp and there name="any variable name".. if any qury let me know on my emails


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